About Us
The National Association of Indian Nurses of America(NAINA) is a not-for-profit organization under the rules and regulations of non-profit organization 501(c)3 in the country of United State of America. NAINA is organized with unique mission and goals. Our primary goal is to unite all Indian nurses and nursing students of Indian origin and heritage as a professional body under one umbrella at national level. NAINA will be the official voice for Indian nurses in America and outside for professional nursing issues and problems.
NAINA is the organization for all professional nurses and nursing students of Indian origin/heritage that creates a community of excellence in nursing practice and healthcare through networking and collaboration.
To promote professional excellence in nursing practice and healthcare through the empowerment and renewal of professional and cultural identity of all nurses of Indian origin/heritage, and to optimize their contribution to the health and well-being of individuals, families and communities.
As an organization of professional nurses and nursing students of Indian origin/heritage, we are committed to:
- caring, compassion, ethical values and exceptional healthcare practices
- client-centered helping relationships and advocacy
- accountability and responsibility for evidence-based practice
- continuous personal and professional development of self and others
- collaboration and innovation
The National Association of Indian Nurses of America, an ethnic minority nursing organization in the United States (US), represents first generation immigrant nurses, second generation nurses, and nursing students of Indian origin and heritage. NAINA was established with the goal of uniting all Indian nurses with one voice to increase visibility within the professional arena and to rejuvenate their unique cultural heritage and values. These values are embedded within their professional expertise and are assets to be utilized effectively in providing culturally competent care to the increasingly diverse populations within the evolving health care system.
The history of professional Indian nursing in United States began with the migration of nurses in the early 1970’s and 1980’s. Those who migrated during this period had to overcome a multitude of challenges and cross many unforeseen barriers in starting their new life in this land of opportunities. Many early immigrants sacrificed their professional aspirations and goals for their family.
Over the years, through hard work, dedication, perseverance and higher education, Indian nurses have proven their professional ability and succeeded in attaining key leadership roles in almost all fields in nursing. Though we succeeded in our personal and professional lives, we were not very successful in uniting our unique nursing causes and challenges under one professional body. Our nurses remained passive and let others solve our nursing challenges. Unlike many other ethnic minority nurses In this country, we were not very successful In organizing a national nursing association for decades. The few brave ones who tried to unite or to initiate changes were unsuccessful in sustaining initial successes due to lack of support and commitment from fellow nurses, families and the community at large.

Our founders were instrumental in fulfilling the long-awaited dream of our nurses in America into a national organization, a reality. Their unique contributions, commitments and had hard work will always remain an integral part of NAINA and they will be always remembered as pioneers and founders of the unique organization.

The Birth of NAINA
In the 1980’s Indian nurses started to professionally organize and the first state chapter was formed in the state of New Jersey under the leadership of Aleyamma Samuel. Over the year’s chapters were established in Houston, Dallas, Miami, Chicago and New York. These chapters functioned independently under the direction of their chapter Preside nt. In 2006, the leaders of the existing chapters agreed to unite under one umbrella to form a national organization. As a result of the commitment, motivation, hard work, and dedication of these nursing leaders the National Association of Indian Nurses of America was formed with a goal of uniting all nurses of Indian origin and heritage in America. NAINA was incorporated as a non-profit 501© (3) in the State of Illinois, USA on December 6th, 2006.