Due to overwhelming demand, early bird registration extended until August 31, 2023
After August 31, 2023, Registration fee will go up $50
Registration refund Policy: All refund requests must be made in writing to: nainaconferences@gmail.com. A 60% refund will be granted when the cancellation request is received by August 19, 2023. A 50% refund will be granted if the request is received between August 20, 2023 – September 9, 2023. No refunds will be granted if the request is received after September 10, 2023.
OCTOBER 7 & 8, 2022
Hosted by: American Association of Indian Nurses, New Jersey, Chapter 2
Friday, October 7th - 3:00 PM to 10:30 PM EST
Saturday, October 8th - 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM EST
Followed by Gala Night 6:30PM - 10:30 PM EST
For questions, email us at: nainaconference2022@gmail.com
No refund after August 1st, 2022, before August 1st $50 will be charged for an administrative fee
Per registrant including one gala ticket
Souvenir/Journal Committee invites articles and other literary submissions to be included in the souvenir, set to be released during the 8th Biennial conference, New Jersey, on October 7th and 8th, 2022. This serves as an opportunity for all NAINA members to share their research, knowledge, and talent.
Conference Theme: From Surviving to Thriving: Growth, Wellbeing, and Innovations
We welcome you to submit articles that focus on the theme of the conference and any other professional or personal work that qualifies to be included in a
souvenir or journal.
Article categories:
• Scholarly articles – an editorial that presents quality improvement (QI), evidence-based practice (EBP), or a research study.
• Non-scholarly articles –chapter reports, chapter highlights, pictures, and advertisements, any article that fulfils the following criteria.
• Clinical Series – Any stimulating case studies regarding rare disease conditions, treatment, and management of clinical conditions.
• Poems and stories
• Personal Memoir – Member experiences during COVID times.
• My story – Personal stories of your nursing journey.
• Stories from bedside – Voice of the RN – Personal stories of events that impacted the practice and professional journey of the bedside nurse.
Article submission guidelines:
• The article should be in English and submitted as a Microsoft Word document.
• The article should be the original work of the author and appropriately referenced.
• The article should not exceed two pages, single-spaced (including references) or 300 words per page and should be in the Times New Roman 12-point font.
• Complete all biographical details: name, credentials, and email addresses of each author/contributor.
• Provide a passport-size picture of each author/contributor. Upload the photo as a JPEG in a separate file with your submission.
• All submissions should be uploaded at www.nainausa.org under Journal/souvenir article link to be considered for publishing.
• The deadline for submission is August 1st, 2022.
• NAINA will not accept narratives from prior NAINA publications.
We are looking forward to your submissions and your presence at the conference. Please contact us at nainaeditorial@gmail.com for any questions.
Thank you.
Liffy Cherian, NAINA, Editorial/ Journal Committee Chair
Dr. Pressanna Parackal, NAINA Communications Committee Chair
Disclaimer: All submissions are subject to review by the Souvenir/Journal Committee for quality and suitability. The Journal Committee reserves the right to edit, publish or reject any submissions as deemed necessary.
Topic: Project FirstLine Town Hall meeting May 10th/2023 08:00-08:30 pm ET
Time: May 10, 2023 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 680 997 7655
One tap mobile
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We have included some helpful guidelines here that will simplify the process of creating our NAINA Newsletter.
A. Acceptable items:
- Articles which will educate, entertain, and enhance nursing practice, research and leadership. You may include photos as appropriate to the article (please see the guidelines for photo submissions below).
- All articles, reports, and write-ups will only be accepted if they are in an appropriate Word Format.
- Chapter Activities Report which will be limited to one page, with the inclusion of photos, if needed.
- Individual or group pictures of newly elected Chapter Leadership
- Chapter event flyers. All event flyers must be submitted in an appropriate PDF, JPEG, PNG, or Word Format.
B. New Sections:
- Welcome New Members, where we would like to list the members’ names and their respective Chapter. Provided we have each member’s consent to include their picture, we will gladly add this to the section.
- Honorees, where we would like to highlight members who have received any form of professional recognition.
- Please include: Name, Credentials, Picture and Details of the Award and the Awarding Entity.
- NAINA Honor Roll, the criteria for this section is still being developed but if anyone has constructive suggestions, please share them with me.
C. Photographs:
- Each picture must be sent in the appropriate JPEG, PNG, or PSD format.
- Captions for the pictures, with a clear indication of which picture it correlates to, must be sent in an appropriate Word Format.
D. Disclaimer/Copyright/Citation:
- Author takes the responsibility of proper citation for references used in scholarly work.
- Copyrighted images should not be used, if used, author is fully responsible for copyright related matters.
NAINA seeks to represent nurses and nursing students of Indian heritage in the United States of America. Our members, nurses from different specialities and levels of practice, strive to create a community of excellence through networking, professional collaboration and mentorship. We welcome all nurses and nursing students to embark on this journey of excellence with us.
Before you apply NAINA Virtual Membership, please CLICK HERE to check, if there is a Chapter Association available near you. If you still wish to continue as a NAINA Virtual Member, please note that at a later time if you want to transfer your membership to a local chapter, only part of the membership fee will be transferred.
Any questions regarding membership, please contact: nainamembership@gmail.com
1. Virtual Members
Eligible members from the states or territories of USA with no established local Indian Nurses Associations affiliated with NAINA may become a member of NAINA as a Virtual member by paying a membership fee. This only applies if there is no NAINA chapter association near you and or till a professional association is established in that state the member is licensed. Virtual members shall be:
- Registered professional nurse of Indian origin or heritage
- Must have current RN license in any states or territories of USA
- Must be of good professional standing (not barred or suspended license).
- Member must agree with the mission and comply with the rules and bylaws set by NAINA
2. Affiliate Members
Affiliate membership shall be extended to Registered Professional Nurses, Nursing Students, Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), and Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN) irrespective of their ethnicity and heritage. The affiliate members do not hold offices or participate in decision making process and do not have voting privileges, but may enjoy all other benefits of NAINA membership.
3. Associate Members:
Associate membership shall be extended to students of Indian origin or heritage through local chapters. They shall enjoy all the privileges except voting rights and holding offices
4. Honorary Members
Honorary membership may be awarded to individuals or businesses who support the mission and goals of NAINA, and as determined by the Governing Board. The honorary members do not hold offices or participate in decision making process and do not have voting privileges, but may enjoy all other benefits of NAINA membership.
Membership Fees
- Virtual 10 Years Membership $300.00(Virtual 10 Years membership is mandatory for any RN/LPN, who is seeking discounts from NAINA Academic Partners. This is extended to Indian Nurses where there is no NAINA Chapters).
- Virtual 2 years Membership $100.00
- Virtual 2 Years Affiliate membership $100.00
- Virtual 2 Year Associate Student Membership $60.00
The fiscal year for membership shall be from January 1st to December 31st of the following year(same as the calendar year of the association).
Why become a member ?
Membership to NAINA comes with a host of benefit!
Networking: Opportunities to meet with other nurses of Indian descent at professional and cultural events. Connect with fellow advanced practice nurses through our recently formed APN Forum.
Leadership Development: Participate in the governance of the association. Hold positions of leadership in local and national committees.
Professional and scholarly development: Multiple opportunities to learn from experts in a variety of fields. Opportunities to engage in scholarly activities such as giving podium and poster presentations and publishing in our newsletter.
Representation: Not only will you represent nurses of Indian descent but YOU will be represented by NAINA, along with all the Indian nurses in the US, at other local, state, national and international organizations. NAINA will be the official voice for Indian nurse in America and outside for professional nursing issues and problems.
Mentorship: Find a mentor or be a mentor!
Educational Opportunities: Discounted rates to NAINA conferences and educational events. A 15% discount for NAINA members and families members to Grand Canyon University.
Website and Social Media: Stay connected through our website and Social media platforms.
Newsletter: A free subscription to our newsletter which will keep you informed of chapter events and other nursing related topics.
Promote the profession of nursing: By striving to help decrease the healthcare disparities among ethnic, minority and medically underserved communities through our community health initiatives.
And, of course, the personal satisfaction gained from being a contributing professional in the association, profession and the community!
Anna George
APN TEAM is currently the activities for 2021-22. Please check back this page for the updates and how you could help and join this team.