National Association of Indian Nurses of America (NAINA) will be presenting awards at the 9th Biennial Conference to be held on October 4th & 5th, 2024. Applicants are mandated to Register and attend the Conference. 

The Award Application is open from March 15 – June 30, 2024 

  • Previous winners are not eligible to apply for the same category for 2 years.

Nightingale Award Criteria

Nightingale Award celebrates a current NAINA member who has  dedicated their life with the maximum number of years of service in nursing.

1. Be a paid and active member of a local chapter or NAINA.
2. Total numbers of years of nursing service an RN.
3. Contribution to the chapter or NAINA activities.
4. Nomination from each chapter should be sent through the local chapter president/awards committee.
5. The application should include two letters of recommendations (one from the local chapter president and/or past or current local chapter Executive member, and the second letter from a charge nurse/supervisor/ colleague).

Please attach a photograph of the applicant in JPEG

Recommendation letters (not to exceed 100 words)

If you have questions, please email the NAINA Awards and Scholarship chair at: