From the desk of the President

Vimala George, RN, MA, MSN, ANP-BC
Dear friends and family of NAINA.
Greetings of peace, joy, and God’s blessings for a Happy New Year.
I would like to thank the entire NAINA team, for giving me the honor of serving you as the 4th president. My past terms and current position would never have been possible without the support of the Previous Presidents, Dr. Solymole Kuruvilla, Dr. Omana Simon, and the previous Governing body members.
It is with great gratitude and respect I appreciate the organization’s first president Mrs. Sara Gabriel and previous Vice President, Dr. Rachel Zachariah for their tremendous support as well as their well heeded encouragements and advices.
As always, my sincere thanks and appreciation to the founders of NAINA: Hon. Dr. Aney Paul, Mrs. Sara Gabriel, Mrs. Aleyamma Samuel, Mrs. Ammal Bernard, Mrs. Ann Varghese, Mrs. Mary Thomas, and Mrs. Marykutty Kuriakose as well as those who introduced me to NAINA.
We will make every effort to continue with what NAINA has been doing so far especially focusing more on creating new chapters, strengthening the existing chapters with frequent educational conferences, fund raising programs, making new contacts to increase the number of membership, selecting more mentors, and much more.
Every New Year greets us with new opportunities and challenges. We will embrace the opportunities and face the challenges by drawing out our best as we answer the call to responsible stewardship of the legacy of excellence entrusted to us. I look forward to working together with all the members of the NAINA team to bring you a great year in 2013. It is a great blessing that we have experienced, skilled and capable Governing Body Members to lead NAINA to achieve the goals for 2013. You are always welcome to give me your suggestions, concerns and comments by phone, text, or email.
“Let us always remember the lady with the lamp – “Florence Nightingale.” She reminds us that the “nurse” in you and me is “the light of compassion, the light of caring, and the light of wisdom.” Let us be united, work hard, and together we will find opportunities to serve others as well as to promote activities for our professional development.
Thank you and May God continue to bless you!
On behalf of the executive board.
Vimala George, RN, MA, MSN, ANP-BC