Congratulations to our Founding member, 1st & 5th President of NAINA, Sara Gabriel, MNS, RN, MBA for receiving the Life time Achievement award from NAINA.
WHEREAS Sara Gabriel, MSN, RN, MBA has served as a dedicated member of the Board of Directors of NAINA for the past 15 years.
WHEREAS Sara Gabriel has served as the First President of NAINA from 2007- 2008 and second presidency in 2015-2016. As the first President, she has provided leadership in establishing bylaws, initiated the 501(c) 3 applications, established chapters, set the process for registration in the State of Illinois.
WHEREAS Sara Gabriel represented NAINA at the International Council of Nursing conference in Durbin, South Africa, where she presented the Code of Ethical recruitment with the CGFNS alliance in 2009. In 2017, she represented NAINA at the ICN conference in Barcelona.
WHEREAS Sara Gabriel was instrumental in starting the Advance Practice committee in 2015-2016 and instituting the NAINA legacy award.
WHEREAS Sara Gabriel was a task force member of CGFNS Alliance in 2007 and served as a board member at CGFNS Alliance for Ethical International recruitment Practices.
WHEREAS Sara Gabriel was instrumental in securing the Betty Moore Foundation grant of $10,000 to develop Aspiring Nurse leaders during her term in 2017
WHEREAS Sara Gabriel started new chapters in Maryland, Georgia, Oklahoma, Albany, Pennsylvania & Michigan.
WHEREAS Sara Gabriel led the CARITAS TEAM project to reach out to nurses in India through a voucher distribution program during COVID 19.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Association of Indian Nurses commends Sara Gabriel for her long-serving and unwavering commitment to NAINA till date and awards her the LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD on October 29th, 2021.
Dr. Lydia H Albuquerque
President, NAINA
October 2021
Thanks Sujaya. Appreciate. it was great meeting you and congratulations to you too on your Daisy award. Great honor indeed . all the best
Sarah Gabriel your dedication, vision, commitment to NAINA is commendable. You are much deserving candidate for this wonderful award. Happy to be part of the award ceremony to see you in person when you received it. All the very best to receive many more awards.